October 13, 2022


"Agent Carter"

Hosted by

Christian Zach
"Agent Carter"
The Spy-Fi Guys
"Agent Carter"

Oct 13 2022 | 01:31:54


Show Notes

This week we have a bonus postlude to the Rerun Summer, a post-credits scene, if you will, with 2015's "Agent Carter." Hayley Atwell reprises her role as SSR Agent Peggy Carter, as well as Dominic Cooper returning as Howard Stark in a recurring role. Peggy has to face both spies and sexism in this late 40's set spy show. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Sometimes the best man for a job is a woman. We are the Spfi guys, and this is Agent Carter. Hello and welcome back to the Spfi guys to recover spy fact, spy fiction and everything in between. Zach Speaker 2 00:00:20 And I'm Christian. Speaker 0 00:00:22 And today we have a bonus episode for the at end of the rerun summer. If you thought the rerun summer was over, but we have one more episode. You might call it a post credit episode. Speaker 2 00:00:33 <laugh>. There we go. Very appropriate. Yeah. I mean, this is mostly at my insistence because I figured if we're doing agents shield, there's no way I can get away, you know, without also doing Agent Carter. Speaker 0 00:00:44 Yes. This week we are covering couple episodes of Marvels Agent Carter, stirring Hailey Atwell. And I take it you have seen this entire show, cause it's only two seasons. It Speaker 2 00:00:55 Is only two seasons. And yes, I saw the entire show as well as the, what is it? The, they called a Marvel one Shots. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, back in the day on the blue rays where they'd have like a little short film, I think there was a few with Colson and there was this one, which is I think on the Iron Man three Blueray, but is also available on Disney Plus as is this whole series. Speaker 0 00:01:16 Yeah. As is everything. So I remember when it first came out, I had no interest in it because Ooh. Agent was fine. Well, as you may recall, as you may recall for the Agents of Shield episode, I said, Why would I watch a Marvel superhero show that has no superheroes in it? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. So I barely was interested in the Agents of Shield, but then when they made another TV show that was Agents of Shield again, but in the past that I definitely had no interest in it. Speaker 2 00:01:47 Ooh. I mean, look, I love Marvel and you know, I love superheroes, but I also like characters. And although this is not a USA show characters welcome this, you know, Mar Agent Carter or Peggy Carter as a character in that first Avengers movie, or the first Avenger Rather. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> really caught my attention and I thought she was such a great character. So, and then when they made the one shot about her, I was like, Wow, this is great. I would watch a whole show about this. And so when they made it, I was like, Yes, I'm gonna definitely watch this. Speaker 0 00:02:19 Sometimes it's nice to get what you want. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:02:22 <affirmative>. All right. So now that we've covered sort of our background with this show, why don't we jump into it? Speaker 0 00:02:30 All right. So we're gonna begin with the pilot, which has a name this time, which is called now Speaker 2 00:02:35 Is not, it's a pilot, It's not really a pilot, it's more of just episode one, because I think this, at least the first season, got a direct to series order cuz they were sort of already had a pilot in the form of the Agent Car one shot. Speaker 0 00:02:49 Yeah. A lot of these streaming service now shows they don't do pilots cuz No. Yeah, yeah. It's the whole, So show it once. That being said, this is certainly the beginning. I think it's, it Speaker 2 00:03:00 Is. Speaker 0 00:03:02 So the, it is called now is not the End and the synopsis is in 1946, Peggy Carter is now a secretary for the strategic scientific reserve. Howard Stark asked her for help when the country believes that he is selling deadly weapons to their enemies. Speaker 2 00:03:18 All right. So we start off with a flashback to the end of Captain America, the first Avenger, the scene where Peggy and Cap are talking over the radio as cap's about to put it into the water. Um, Speaker 0 00:03:30 Yeah, I like when he says I'm gonna put her in or something like that. Maybe he didn't, doesn't phrase it like that, but you know what I mean. Speaker 2 00:03:37 Oh, Zach Speaker 0 00:03:39 <laugh>? No, I think he just said like, I'm put it down in the water, which I thought was a Speaker 2 00:03:42 Cool one put. Okay. Okay. Just, Speaker 0 00:03:45 I'm gonna put it in. Speaker 2 00:03:47 Oh, no, just stop, Zach. So Peggy is thinking about that moment as she's making a cup of tea. We find out, this is New York City, 1946. She's reading about Howard Stark in the newspaper. He's got some scandals going around about selling weapons. Um, Yeah. Speaker 0 00:04:08 And it's Dominic Cooper. I was like, Oh, right. That's great. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:04:14 And then we get sort of a montage of clips from, um, the first Avenger, mostly of her just like fighting juxtaposed with her, you know, putting up her Murphy bed, ironing her clothes and everything else. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then she's about to put up the Murphy bed. Her roommate Colleen comes in who's dead tired. She says that more gis are coming back. So women are being let go from their, her their jobs. It sounds like he's a ror. Speaker 0 00:04:41 Yes. I think that's exactly correct. See, I really like this part because it's like a real history. Like yeah. The GIS are coming home. It's all very realistic. I really like that. But also, I like this dynamic where she works at night, so she comes home and sleeps in the bed. Yeah. And that Agent Carter works during the day, so they're like swapping out. Speaker 2 00:05:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's like, uh, like people on a ship, you know, they'll have their roommates who they never see because they're on exact opposite, opposite shifts. Like, uh, on lower dicks. Don't they have that? The rivalry between beta and GA and Delta shift? Speaker 0 00:05:14 Yeah. But I don't think they, in the Navy, I know people in the Navy, they call it hot bunking. Speaker 2 00:05:19 That's Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:20 Yeah. Where they literally sleep in the same bed Speaker 2 00:05:22 Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:05:23 <affirmative>. Yeah. And they swap back and forth. Uh, also, this reminded me so long time viewers may remember Christian posted a video of him talking to Hailey Outwell Oh yes. Speaker 2 00:05:33 About, That's Speaker 0 00:05:33 Right. Working with Tom Cruise. But in that same panel, somebody said that Agent Carter is a by icon. And if you don't know what a icon is, neither did Haley out. Well, so you're in good company. Speaker 2 00:05:45 Okay. I don't remember this, but <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:05:48 It, it's a buy icon. Maybe it been Speaker 2 00:05:51 Before you got there. No, I remember. Apparently That's Speaker 0 00:05:54 Right. Apparently Agent Carter is a buy icon. And that made me wonder if that, if like her and her roommate are more than just roommates. Speaker 2 00:06:01 Mm. It's so, there's Speaker 0 00:06:03 No evidence for that in the episode itself. Speaker 2 00:06:06 What I will say is that the character who people usually, um, ship her with, uh, like is a character will meet later in this episode, although we don't get too much interaction. Is Speaker 0 00:06:18 It Bridge Speaker 2 00:06:19 GaN? No, No, it's, um, Lindy Fun Funness, uh, or whether her last name is Character Angie. Okay. But we'll get to her. Let's move, get moving. Speaker 0 00:06:28 <laugh>. Yeah. This scene is a total bitch. Tell test fail for the record. Cause they just talk about men. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:06:34 No, they talk about, Well, I guess, No, let's see. It's Speaker 0 00:06:38 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:06:38 Oh, huh. All right. Didn't think about that. Speaker 0 00:06:43 And her roommate says something like, I found a guy and you should find a guy too, Peggy, right? Speaker 2 00:06:50 No. Well, she says that she hasn't been like that. Peggy hasn't been on any dates, so it's not necess about a specific guy, but about dating. That's down the line there. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, alright, so we also find out that Peggy's cover is at the phone company. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I, That's cool. So we see her going to work. Peggy is a bright splash of color in a crowd of gray suited men. Speaker 0 00:07:15 Yes. With her Carmen, San Diego hat and her blue coat, which is that Speaker 2 00:07:20 I that hat. So yeah, she goes into work at the phone company as she's walking through this past the switchboard girls. The last one activates a secret elevator for her. And this is all a cover for, for the ssr or these strategic scientific reserve. Speaker 0 00:07:37 Yeah. This is basically the same as that part in Ilias where she goes to work Speaker 2 00:07:41 Kind Speaker 0 00:07:42 Of. Yeah, it's like poetry or rhymes, Speaker 2 00:07:44 <laugh>, <laugh>. So once she gets there, as she's getting settled, an alarm goes off. It's a high priority case. Her boss tells her to cover the phones. She instead has the phones routed to the briefing room. She, so she can also actually attend the meeting. And when they get to the briefing, we get a news reel about Howard Stark, which I, I like this. He's accused of selling weapons to the enemy. They're not specific as to which enemy this is. Speaker 0 00:08:10 Yeah, I think you can put two and two together though, right? Speaker 2 00:08:14 I mean, later on. Yes. But right at this moment, not, you know, it could be any number of enemies. Uh, so there six pieces of his tech have shown up on the black market. Uh, and so he's been testifying on the hill, but didn't show up for the last day of testimony. So now he's a fugitive from justice. Speaker 0 00:08:32 Yeah. This is like Bruce Wayne murderer, that C book park. Speaker 2 00:08:36 I do Speaker 0 00:08:37 Like that. Always nice to see Dominic Cooper again. And also there's a part, Is this the part where he testifying in front of Congress? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:44 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:45 So somebody asked him, like, Did you, Speaker 2 00:08:48 Oh yes. I don't remember. Did you, Knowing it goes, Oh, it's, did you knowingly give your, you know, your weapons to the enemies of the United States? No. Did you unknowingly, And he says something to the effect of, Well, by definition that would be, Yeah. Yeah. I forget what the line is. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:09:04 He said something like, if it was unknowingly, how would I know about it? And I don't wanna claim to be smarter and Howard Stark, but very obviously he could have sold weapons unknowingly and then found out about it later. I mean, come on, Speaker 2 00:09:16 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:09:17 Yeah. Whatever. Speaker 2 00:09:20 Yeah. So, uh, one of the other agents, Agent Thompson, is made the lead, and Peggy at this point speaks up and says that she, you know, worked closely with Howard during the war and can't believe that she was a trader. And of course at this point, her boss and a bunch of the other people belittle her actions during the war. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and another agent, Agent SSA tries to stand up for her, uh, ironically enough, because he has a crutch. Speaker 0 00:09:48 Yes. He's missing a leg. Yeah. He's not just, You didn't get hurt playing soccer? Speaker 2 00:09:53 No, no. He got injured during the war. Afterwards, she talks to him, he's trying to say, you know, don't worry about it, I got your back. But she says, I wish you hadn't tried to stand up for me, because I'm more than capable of handling what they throw Speaker 0 00:10:06 Me. Yeah. I guess you could call what he did. White nighting. Would you say that's fair to say? Speaker 2 00:10:12 Um, I don't know necessarily, but maybe, Speaker 0 00:10:16 Yeah. White Nighting is usually a bit more extreme than that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:20 But I don't know, actually, you know, I'm gonna Yeah. I we will push back on that. Say no, I don't believe that is necessarily bad Speaker 0 00:10:27 Though. I mean, Speaker 2 00:10:28 I like how I think he's just trying to be a decent guy. Speaker 0 00:10:31 Yes, that's true. That's true. So yeah. I, I think when people say whitening, it's usually more pejorative mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which is not how I felt. So I like this part. There's a real, you get the impression that Agent Carter has a loss of purpose even though she's doing what she wants to do, which is work in the intel world. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she's still has a loss of purpose, which I'm sure is very common for people coming back from a war or similar situations. Like I'm sure you probably heard when that Neil Armstrong movie came out with, uh, Ron Gosling as him. Right. How once he goes to the moon and comes back, it's like, what are you gonna do now? Nothing you do will ever compare to going to the moon for the first time. Speaker 2 00:11:15 Right, Right. So a after the meeting, Thompson gives her some surveillance reports to file because he's gonna be too busy, you know, doing, working on this case, and she's better at that sort of stuff anyways. Speaker 0 00:11:30 Yeah. So you get the impression of what her life is. Speaker 2 00:11:32 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So we next go to the l and l auto mat where the waitress was. Angie, uh, sees Peggy looking in newspaper with caps photo, you know, she makes a comment how she saw Cap at a USO performance one time. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:11:46 I like how they don't overdo too much of the cap references that there is kind of a lot, but it, it makes sense. Yeah. Given how public of a figure he is, especially compared to all the other superheroes except maybe for Iron Man. Speaker 2 00:11:59 Yeah. And at this point, he is the only one that really people have known. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, but yeah, so Angie can tell that Peggy's upset, and this is where Peggy, you know, talks about, again, like you were saying, how she has that sort of loss of purpose after the war as she go goes up now, I think she like gets a, you know, piece of food from the automa. Peggy gets a note on a napkin that says to meet her meet in the alley in five minutes. Speaker 0 00:12:30 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:12:31 So Speaker 0 00:12:32 She, so so is around, is the, so is the, is the waitress here? Uh, the the bye? Speaker 2 00:12:38 Yeah. The one that one think she's buy Peggy gets shipped with a lot, we'll say. Speaker 0 00:12:43 Ah, I see, I see. All right. Speaker 2 00:12:46 Um, yeah. Peggy's sides, you know, I'm gonna take a chance and actually see what's going on in the alley. So as she gets outside, a man steps out of the shadow says that she's coming with him. She not. Speaker 0 00:12:58 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:58 This is like the guy out. Yeah. <laugh> gets, Speaker 0 00:13:01 So it's absurd. Like he would never have done that if they didn't need him to do that for the story. Speaker 2 00:13:06 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:13:07 Doesn't fit his character Stark would not make him Starks smart enough to know how Peggy would react unless it was like a test or something to see Speaker 2 00:13:15 Still got, he was excited to be part of this sort of spiral world. So he decided I'm gonna play it up and then quickly realizes that was the wrong thing to do. Speaker 0 00:13:25 He got a little too enthusiastic. That sounds like he kind of thing he Speaker 2 00:13:28 Would do that it does seem like in character, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So yeah, he gets knocked out and then Peggy gets chased by a car and she shoots it shoots the, at the car, uh, which cause its crash and it's actually Howard Stark is driving the car and the guy who was popping outta the shadows was his butler, Edwin Jarvis, who Speaker 0 00:13:47 Looks exactly like Vision <laugh> Speaker 2 00:13:50 About Speaker 0 00:13:50 It. It actually makes sense if you've seen the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Or wait or does it Speaker 2 00:13:54 <laugh>? No, well, Speaker 0 00:13:56 I suppose not in a way to, Tony would make a of an Android that looks like his father's Butler, not his old butler. His father's Butler Speaker 2 00:14:05 Two probably raised him more than his father did. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:08 It's funny with the, with World War I characters who have origins in World War ii. Yeah. Like Magni mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, the further we get from World War ii, the less sense they make. Like, if Jarvis really raised Tony Stark, that would be in like the seventies Actually, maybe the timeline works. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:24 That works over Speaker 0 00:14:25 Juniors in his fifties. Speaker 2 00:14:26 Yeah, it does work. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well, I mean, it had to have made sense in some way because he names his entire AI after Jarvis Speaker 0 00:14:35 <laugh>. Yeah. I, I guess so. It's if I also, I think she shoots out one of the tires of the car, which is what Speaker 2 00:14:42 I was, Well, when I watched it, I thought she shot the engine block, but then we see them driving away later, so she clearly did not, Speaker 0 00:14:50 I guess she didn't, didn't damage the car. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:52 Yeah. She just shot at the car and then <laugh>. Yeah. Anyways, so as they're, she gets in the car with Howard and Jarvis, Howard says he's being framed. He says he had a vault with what he called his bad babies, which were in invents that were too dangerous to sell, and someone broke into his vault. Speaker 0 00:15:14 It's like, but why didn't he just destroy them? That if they're too dangerous and not even, he can be allowed to have them, Speaker 2 00:15:21 I don't know, come Speaker 0 00:15:22 Walk Howard Stark <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:15:25 But someone broke into his vault and started selling them on the black market. And so he says he needs someone he can trust someone inside the ssr. Speaker 0 00:15:33 Yeah. This all makes sense. Yeah. I totally buy it because his operation seems to be reduced to just him and Dar Jarvis. Speaker 2 00:15:40 Hmm. Well, I mean, as opposed to what? Like, Oh, you mean just all of his Speaker 0 00:15:45 Yeah. All of his employees, et cetera, et cetera. Speaker 2 00:15:48 Yeah. But all of them would be under suspicion because of his, you know, being a fugitive. Speaker 0 00:15:54 Yeah, well, just the fact that yeah, just the fact that he's a wanted criminal means that there's very few people he can actually rely on. Speaker 2 00:16:01 Yeah. Yeah. So it works. So they mm-hmm. <affirmative>, so they drive to some docks and Howard states that he's heading overseas to track down some of his bad babies, um, which have popped up, but a bunch of them are ler still in New York somewhere. And he says the word on the street is that one of them is hitting the market soon. It's a formula for molecular ni, which is basically a handful of it would level a city block. Speaker 0 00:16:29 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:16:30 And Howard leaves his butler Jarvis to help Peggy. So he gives him, Jarvis gives Peggy his card says, Call anytime before nine. Speaker 0 00:16:40 Yeah. I, I like the whole wife thing. That's a recurring motif. So when was the last time we were at an auction in one of these movies? Was it Hudson Hawk? Speaker 2 00:16:48 Uh, Speaker 0 00:16:49 Or was there something more recent? Speaker 2 00:16:51 I think that was the last one. Why Speaker 0 00:16:53 <laugh>? Just curious. It feels like it pops up a lot Speaker 2 00:16:56 An auction. Speaker 0 00:16:57 Yeah. There's no, like, the bad guys are auctioning something dangerous and we have to stop them. Speaker 2 00:17:02 Oh. Um, oh, well, they're not an auction. This is not an auction. This is more of like a deal. Speaker 0 00:17:08 Yeah. Well, I, I, I have a note. Has to stop the auction, so maybe I misunderstood. But there's also, in Casino Royal, right, the original Casino Royal, they had all, all the Army guys. Speaker 2 00:17:18 No, don't remind me. <laugh>. Anyway, so the next day Peggy goes into the office, apparently Susan's been there all night. He's been looking at the pictures from the Star case, including one of Howard on a boat with a woman, at which point to sort of throw him off the trail. Peggy says that Stark is definitely afraid of water and makes a comment about how Peggy or Stark tried to kiss her on VE day and she knocked him into, Was it it the Hudson or the Tams? I don't remember wherever they were. Speaker 0 00:17:52 Yeah, that sounds funny. I would've loved to have seen that, but apparently they couldn't afford Dominic Cooper for the whole episode. Speaker 2 00:17:58 Yeah. And also that was pretty much a lie, because she's just making up a story to sell that story. Speaker 0 00:18:04 Yes. Which reminds me, I wanted to talk about that and the earlier scene. Yeah. He's like, I need you to lie for me. So he's effectively asking her to portray your country, or at least her organization, which I thought was very interesting character stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> where it's like loyalty to your friend and the truth versus loyalty in this other way. Speaker 2 00:18:23 And also I think she, he's probably playing off the B fact that they're, they don't value her there. And so that she, Yeah. If she wants to be useful, she can be useful finding out what's really going on. Speaker 0 00:18:37 Well, yeah. He kind of knows how to pull on her, push her buttons. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> now that it's very hard to do. She kind of wears her hard on a sleeve a little bit for a spy. Speaker 2 00:18:46 Thompson is having a briefing over in one of the rooms, and Peggy brings in some coffee into the conference room so she can hear details. Speaker 0 00:18:57 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's really demeaning seeing her bring in coffee in like that. Speaker 2 00:19:02 I felt that. Yeah. But she uses that to her advantage because she can actually eves drop on what's going on and she Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:09 Apparently SSR knows exactly where the auction or whatever it is is, which is nice. Just, Speaker 2 00:19:15 Well, the guy isn't, so Yeah, we find out, basically there's a middle man who's, that's, it's more of that is someone's a middle man who's, you know, connecting a buyer and a seller. Right. So we find out it's gonna be in a fancy club. The Martinique, Peggy sees a photo of the middle man whose name is Raymond Spider Raymond. Speaker 0 00:19:36 Yeah. He looked really familiar. Do you know where he was Speaker 2 00:19:39 From? Yeah. I don't know. He does look very familiar though. Speaker 0 00:19:42 He's got, he says, Speaker 2 00:19:44 Yeah. So she requests a sick day, says she has a headache and other things, ladies things. No, Speaker 0 00:19:51 No, it is, Yeah. It's ladies things, which I thought was great. Is Speaker 2 00:19:55 Perfect <laugh> and all the guys are, Speaker 0 00:19:59 Yeah. They just can't handle it. Speaker 2 00:20:01 And I like how her boss, Chief Duley is like, you know, Go take yourself shopping or whatever. Speaker 0 00:20:07 Yeah. That's Speaker 2 00:20:08 Also very d that's what he thinks that people that women do when they're having a menstrual cycle and need to do something, they go shot no <laugh>, uh, Speaker 0 00:20:18 He's like, change the subject. Change the subject. Speaker 2 00:20:20 Yeah. Yep. <laugh>, we go to the Martinique, which is the fancy club where Spider Raymond is talking to his seller, whose name is Brandis. Speaker 0 00:20:29 Yeah. That's Raymond once from the Wire. Speaker 2 00:20:32 Oh, <laugh>. Raymond wants to know what else he has from Stark, but Brandis is just silent. So, uh, you know, Raymond says, All right, here's the money and Brandis leaves. At which point we see Peggy arriving at the Martinique in a white dress and wearing a blonde wig. There's a jazz band playing and a guy tries to hit on her and she, you know, declines, uh, in an American accent. Very good American accent. Speaker 0 00:20:59 Yeah. She's an actor. I also, the disguise reminded me of Alias, especially cuz it's so sexy <laugh>. It's not just any disguise. It's like a sexy lady disguise or Speaker 2 00:21:10 It's, it's fitting in. I'm Okay. It's fitting into a jazz club. Speaker 0 00:21:16 Okay. However you wanna describe it. Speaker 2 00:21:19 All right. Anyways, so she sees a bunch of people going up to see Raymond and very expertly ducks away from a photo so that they don't get her face Speaker 0 00:21:29 Just like James bonded and Dr. No with his hat. Speaker 2 00:21:32 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. She gets past the guard by saying that she has something to sell to Spider Raymond. And before she goes into the room, she goes up to a mirror and pulls out some lipstick, which has says on its sweet dreams, and she puts the lipstick on and goes in to see Raymond. She says that she knows that he has a particular formula and has some friends who'd be very interested in buying it. Um, and he says, No, it's, you know, I'm sorry it's not for sale. And she's basically trying to get, you know, more intel out of him by being very seductive. But then he prematurely kisses her and gets knocked out prematurely. Speaker 0 00:22:15 Yeah. My note here is that the SU works a little too well. Speaker 2 00:22:18 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:19 Ah, Speaker 2 00:22:20 Yeah. So the lipstick was like a knockout lipstick, um, Speaker 0 00:22:23 Right. Just like it said it was, Yeah. Was it a misleading label? <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:22:28 But he's out before she could actually get any real intel. So Peggy uses her watch, which is actually a gadget watch to break into the vault in which she finds a glowing orb. Speaker 0 00:22:40 Yeah. She finds the holy hand grenade. Speaker 2 00:22:42 Yeah. So she was looking for a parchment with, or, you know, a piece of paper with the formula, but instead finds an actual work working device. Yes. So she calls up, Jarvis says that they've weaponized the formula and apparently, uh, Howard left a note. An orange glow means it's at peak volatility and you have to render it inert with a sodium hydrogen carbonate and acetate formula, which Speaker 0 00:23:06 Is great. It's better than just like push a button or whatever. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:23:10 Yeah. And apparently you've gotta avoid touching the core to the containment ring, otherwise it'll, you know, go off. Speaker 0 00:23:16 Yeah. There's some exchange where it's like, if I touch the core, it'll kill me. And they were like, Well, it'll go off. So yes. But it will not just you like presumably everybody else in Speaker 2 00:23:26 500 yards Yeah. Speaker 0 00:23:28 Or whatever. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:30 Yeah. So we see Agent Thompson and his team arrive at the Martinique. Peggy is trying to leave discreetly, but gets caught by a guard and uses a stapler to knock him out. Which was, I like this fight scene that was like, the use of just the stapler as like I don't as a weapon was interesting. Speaker 0 00:23:50 Yeah. Especially now that we have this trope of like, small women beating up giant stunt guys with just their fists having a stapler, whatever helps close that gap. Speaker 2 00:24:01 And as she's leaving, she passes by a very suspicious looking guy in the hall. Um, and as she sees Thompson and his men approaching, she grabs that same guy who tried to hit on her before to dance to use him as a distraction. Speaker 0 00:24:15 Yeah. Hit on her. All he wanted was a dance to star. Speaker 2 00:24:19 He did hit on her. Not, not necess, it's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just he hit on her. Speaker 0 00:24:25 Right. Let, let's tell him like it is. Speaker 2 00:24:28 Yeah. Uh, and she declined earlier, but now she needs a distraction. So it says, Okay, sure. Let's dance. So Spider Raymond wakes up and sees that the vault is empty. Uh, we find out that the very suspicious looking guy was his buyer and shoots him in the head. Speaker 0 00:24:45 Yep. I like that. Sorry. Bubbles. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:24:49 Uh, and Peggy leaves as soon as Thompson goes up the stairs and Thompson finds the body of Spider ri and it has the exit, all the exit sealed. But Peggy was able to get out before then. Speaker 0 00:25:03 Yeah. Around here. I had the prediction is her roommate gonna die? Cause I think they find some incriminating evidence where, where they were like, it's a blonde woman and her roommate's blonde. So I kind of put two and two together. Speaker 2 00:25:17 Hmm. All right. All right. See, so Peggy gets back home. Colleen apparently was sent home with the fever. So I like right before she sees Colleen, she's quickly STEs her wig, uh, the, and the roommate goes back to sleep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and Peggy is, you know, grabs all the things needed to diffuse the weapon. She Speaker 0 00:25:36 Very, she just, she has that chemical stuff. Speaker 2 00:25:39 I mean Alright. So it's what It's so acetate that's, you know, um, I think that's similar part, part of acetone to, you know, take off nail polish. There's that, uh, sodium hydrogen carbonate. Let's buy carbonate is in like once that, so, so buy carbonate, that's something Speaker 0 00:26:03 This would've been a good opportunity for like a bill niva science guy thing. So you'd be like, sodium carbonate sounds really foreign, but actually it's in table salt and then it holds at the Speaker 2 00:26:12 Table. Salt sodium by carbon is like baking soda. Speaker 0 00:26:16 Even better. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:26:17 Yeah. So I think, yeah. Um, I don't know. And listeners, if you actually know how to make a, uh, how hydrogen sodium by carbonate solution, uh, Yeah. Let us know Speaker 0 00:26:31 <laugh>. Well, yeah. Like I assume that the scene was cut cuz it is, you know, for television and you gotta move things along. Would've been kind of cool if Jarvis was like, Okay, you need to do a blah, blah, blah sodium by Carter whatever. And Agent Carter was like, I can't do that now. And he says, Don't worry, you can do it with common household items. She says, I'm in Speaker 2 00:26:48 The middle of a gun. I, I like it better that she already knows how to do it. It makes her seem smarter. Speaker 0 00:26:54 Well then, then you have her say, Okay, I could do that with normal household items, but I can't do it in the middle of a jazz club. Speaker 2 00:27:01 Well she, she already does say like, you know, he makes a comment of, I'm not sure where you're gonna find that at this hour. And she says, I'll find a way. Yeah. And that's all I need. I don't need that. Well, that, that happened mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's in the show. I don't need to have her with a real, you know, really extraneous dialogue saying that we see her do it. We don't need anything more than that. Speaker 0 00:27:22 I guess what I'm saying is that when she says, I'll find a way, and in terms of her way is walk into her bathroom and grab a couple things off the sink. I just wanted, I was expecting a little bit more than that. That's, Speaker 2 00:27:33 Do you really need it though? Why? I don't need it's Yeah. It's not, you're exactly, it's not needed. We see it, We see her grabbing things. That's all we need. We don't need to pad this out. This is it. I think it's shown as much. Yeah. We're, and we're shown as much as we need to to figure out what's going on. We don't need, if you don't need it, that's just extraneous stuff that just could have been cut. So Speaker 0 00:27:56 That's fair. My last word on subject is I was just surprised that it was disarmed so easily or rather finding this stuff was done so easily disarming gets another story. Speaker 2 00:28:06 Yeah. But yeah, so she very carefully lifts, you know, the, uh, the weapon out of its containment ring. And, um, I like here, so she uses, I, it shows an ingenuity on her birds that she figures how to do it and also figures out, all right, I'm not, I don't need, shouldn't just dunk it in the thing. I'm gonna very, you know, put it in a perfume bottle and you know, spritz it to diffuse it. Which I thought, you know, cause you don't know what sort of dosage, you know, that you needed on it, or at least we weren't told. So Yeah, I like Speaker 0 00:28:37 That. You know, in a laser show they would've had a, or just like pour it on it or something else equally direct. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:42 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But yeah, so it go, you know, you see the glowing stop and it's rendered iner. And then as she, you know, is settling down, you know, after diffusing it, she hears a noise in the room and finds Colleen shot between the eyes and mirror. She sees the guy right behind her, she fights him off as they're fighting. Uh, which, you know, this is a very good fight scene. I like this. You know, Hailey at Will does really well in these fights. She sees that the guy has a very odd looking scar. It looks almost like a why on his neck. Speaker 0 00:29:24 Yep. Well, she recognizes it. That was there before or was it? No. Is this the first time you see it? Speaker 2 00:29:29 Okay. This is the first time she's seen it. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:29:30 All right. Speaker 2 00:29:32 And you know, as she's fighting, she ends up throwing him out of the window. Speaker 0 00:29:36 Yeah. Are they gonna, do they ever explain how he found them? Do you remember? Speaker 2 00:29:41 Um, no. Well, we see her or we see the guy see her and follows her. Oh, Speaker 0 00:29:48 Okay. So that's it. That's a pretty easy explanation then. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:29:51 In the back, in the next day in the automa, Peggy and Jarvis are back to back in adjoining booths. I like this their method of like, you know, not showing that they're in contact, but still being, you know, next to each other and able to talk. Speaker 0 00:30:04 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:30:06 Apparently the, you know, murder, the, in the apartment can't be trace back to Peggy because her name wasn't on the lease. Colleen also had no family. So there's also no one sadly enough to, you know, look after anything that happened to her. Speaker 0 00:30:24 Yeah. I like Agent Carter's survivor's guilt at this part. Speaker 2 00:30:28 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:30:29 Well, doesn't she say something like, We lost people in the war, but this is different. Maybe if I were writing it, she would've said that <laugh> Speaker 2 00:30:36 Well, let's be glad you're not writing it <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:30:38 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:39 Uh, but Jarvis gives her a pep talk, um, you know, saying that, you know, you still have purpose and you, you did what was needed to do. Peggy has the inner device and says, Well, we can't exactly bring this into SSR headquarters to have it analyzed, but Jarvis may know someone who can help them analyze the weapon. So over at Stark Industries, we have Anton Vanco looking at the weapon. Now, if you remember back in Ironman too, Uhhuh Anton Vanko is the father of Ivan Vanko, aka Whiplash the villain played by Mickey work. Speaker 0 00:31:15 Yeah. Nobody remembers him except in a bad way. Speaker 2 00:31:18 The whole back star of him is that his father worked for Stark back in the, I guess, you know, fifties and sixties, and then tried to steal a bunch of his technology or steal a bunch of his plans and, um, goes exiled to Russia. So here we have him before that where he seemingly a happy stark employee. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:31:39 Indeed. Speaker 2 00:31:40 So he is analyzing the weapon. He says that is only two refineries who are capable of making such a thing. Two of them closed during the war. So that leaves rocks on <laugh> and Roxon is apparently too big to search. It's like two miles wide. But we find out that while the weapon is not vol volatile, it is still active and is emitting low levels of Vita radiation. Which, you know, we'll find out that Peggy knows a little bit about vi radiation Uhhuh Speaker 0 00:32:08 <affirmative>. Yeah. So basically the threat isn't over, even though they got this one thing Speaker 2 00:32:12 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So Peggy goes, uh, back to SSR headquarters to find the Project Rebirth file, which is the, I think this is the first time we've actually seen it called Project Rebirth, but it's the super soldier serum. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> used on Captain America because it used vi arrays. You had the serum and then you also had the vi arrays. Speaker 0 00:32:31 It has never been replicated that combination. Speaker 2 00:32:34 That's actually true. Yeah. Every there's time we've seen it. It's always just been the injection, not the vi arrays. That's right. So we have another flashback of, you know, the cap putting the plane down into the water, and soon it comes across. Peggy, while she's looking at the photo of Steve, he tries to back out silently, but he makes a noise. Um, he's tells Peggy about a, a story about what he got hit, uh, and injured in the war with his leg mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and after he leaves, at the bottom of the box there is a vi array gauge, which can detect vi radiation. So we next go over to where the suspicious guy, the assassin from earlier who I've referred to him in my notes as the silent man. Speaker 0 00:33:25 Isn't he also like super Arian looking? Speaker 2 00:33:27 It could be. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:33:28 I seem to remember that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:33:30 He's putting together a typewriter that's connected to a radio. It acts as a communication device. He asks for permission to terminate Agent Carter and gets the reply over. Yes. You must complete the mission at all costs. Speaker 0 00:33:44 Uh, yeah. It was like, I wanted to say, get Carter, like those Speaker 2 00:33:48 Commercials <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:33:51 Yeah. I liked the, the typewriter. That types itself. I thought that was a cool image. Speaker 2 00:33:55 Yeah, that's, yeah. That's cool. So over at Roxon, Peggy and Jarvis are there, and they'll see that the facility is well guarded for some place that's supposedly abandoned. So Peggy goes in alone and Jarvis stays in the car. I like how she climbs the electric fence and she has, you know, rubber gloves on, but you can still see the sparks from the electricity. Speaker 0 00:34:17 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, nice, nice detail. Speaker 2 00:34:20 She uses the vi array meter to find, uh, where the, all the manufacturing is going on. She runs into a guard and takes 'em down and sees two lab techs working on, uh, you know, creating more of the weapon, one of whom is brand the seller from earlier. And as they're, you know, talking about the weapon, or at least one of them is talking and Brandis is just silent. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> outside. Jarvis sees a truck that's entering rocks on, and he radios Peggy tell to tell him no, that she's gonna have some company. But as she does this, this is one of those things where it's like, all right, they clearly haven't, I actually, I like this because the lab tech over here, the radio, Speaker 0 00:35:06 Yeah. It's the 1940s equivalent of when the hero forgets to put his phone on silent mode and calls. I think that also happened. Ins, Oh wait, no, it happened in the other direction. Never. Speaker 2 00:35:22 So, you know, the lab tech who can actually talk, goes to investigate. Whereas Brandis takes the weapon and she uses a, uh, some sort of gadget to blind the lab tech while Brandis runs. Speaker 0 00:35:35 Yeah. The men black flasher, Speaker 2 00:35:37 Peggy chases Tim to, uh, when he gets to a, a truck that's full of weapons, uh, like, just like Well Speaker 0 00:35:44 Full of those explosives. Yeah, exactly. Not just anywhere that I Speaker 2 00:35:47 Say. I just, I I only refer to it in my notes as the weapons. So I said full of the Speaker 0 00:35:53 Holy Hamburg Day. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:55 Um, uh, yeah. And it turns out he's got the same scar on his neck as the silent man, but he puts on a, or uses an electro larynx on his throat to talk. Speaker 0 00:36:10 This was great. This is such a classic comic book thing where you give the villain one little thing that's very memorable. They don't need some kind of crazy costume or a code name or anything like that. You just have one distinctive thing and you remember him forever. Speaker 2 00:36:26 And so she asks him about the, the silent man who has the same scars. Him, he says, That's not his friend. And if he's here, we're both dead anyways. He says, La Leviathan is coming, and he throws one of the, the explosives down, says you've got 30 seconds <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:36:43 So yeah, there's kinda a big looking smoke effect Speaker 2 00:36:47 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:36:48 As it's going off, but, Okay. Speaker 2 00:36:51 So Peggy calls, Jarvis says they've got 20 seconds, so he drives into facility, he's being shot at Peggy jumps onto the roof, gets in as the car is still still going, the weapon goes off behind them. And he's like, Jarvis is flooring it, but they're still not moving it. You know, that fast because of the implosion that's going on and the bumper is torn off of the car and the whole facility implodes. Speaker 0 00:37:22 Well, does it implode or does it explode? Speaker 2 00:37:24 It explodes That implodes? No, it implodes Speaker 0 00:37:27 <laugh>. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that now. Very nice. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like in Polter guys, it seemed like Jarvis had a pretty good time. He's like, Woo. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:37:36 <affirmative>. So we go back to SSR headquarters. Su is talking with Chief Dooley. When Thompson interrupts him, he says that the bouncer from the club saw blonde who attacked him, and they talked to the club photographer who thinks they, he's got a shot of the blonde. Right. As this is going on, Suzi gets a call and says that rocks on blew up. And so they've gotta go investigate that. Speaker 0 00:38:03 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:38:05 Uh, back at the Automa, Jarvis and Peggy are back to back again. Um, Peggy reveals what, you know, what you heard about Levi Leviathan. Jarvis says he'll check Howard's files and Peggy is writing down the address of the dairy farm on the belt bottle milk that she has. Do you know why? Speaker 0 00:38:26 Uh, because she wants to get it from the source? Speaker 2 00:38:30 No, because the, the truck that had all of the, the explosives in it was from the same dairy farm. Speaker 0 00:38:40 Oh. And they couldn't have just stolen it. Speaker 2 00:38:43 No. Speaker 0 00:38:43 It must be connected Speaker 2 00:38:45 <laugh>. They could have, but also it, I mean, it's a lead. Come on <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:38:49 A lead is a lead. Yeah. I, and I gotta say, I was like, Do we need another evil organization? Speaker 2 00:38:55 I knew you were gonna say that. I knew you were gonna say that. Speaker 0 00:38:59 Like, it would be one thing if this were just another show, like Alias or whatever, but Agents of Shield just did that, right? Speaker 2 00:39:08 Yes. Yes. But I'm, Well, you know, I, well, we'll hear more about it later. Speaker 0 00:39:13 I mean, I didn't, I'm not gonna watch the whole show, so it didn't bother me too much, but, Speaker 2 00:39:17 And I mean, next episode. Speaker 0 00:39:19 Well, yeah, there's, that's fine. Like, I don't mind what Speaker 2 00:39:22 Episode I'm just saying I knew you were gonna say that, but you know what, it's not yet another, and we'll, I'll talk more about a next episode. All right. Anyway, so as she's writing down the address of the DA farm, there's a regular, um, at the Automa who's being a jerk to Angie slaps her ass as she like walks away. Yep. And at that point, Peggy decides she's gonna threaten him, you know, <laugh> Speaker 0 00:39:46 And threaten him. She does. It's like, Yes. The level of violence is extreme. Is it though? Yeah. My note here is threatens a hero who fought for his country. Like, he may be a, a jerk, but he's also a Speaker 2 00:39:57 Vet. Yes. But does being a vet allow you that to be a jerk to anyone you want to No, Speaker 0 00:40:03 No. But of just telling the truth, he is Speaker 2 00:40:05 One and he's also an asshole. Speaker 0 00:40:07 Yeah. But like, I don't know. Do you feel like the level of violence inflicted against this guy ju was justified? Yes. You do. Okay. He, she really doesn't mess around Speaker 2 00:40:18 <laugh>. Okay. When you saying level of violence, she takes a fork and puts it into his side. That's, that's not like she's, you know, Speaker 0 00:40:26 She says, I'm about two seconds of pushing away from like entering your heart or something like that. She basically threatens to kill him. To remind, sorry. Really quick. Reminded me of Superman too, when a guy is kind of a jerk to Clark, Kent and Clark. Kent responds, or maybe it was, um, Manna Steel where he responds. No, it's Speaker 2 00:40:45 Taking the guy Superman too. Oh no, that's man Speaker 0 00:40:47 Steel. He takes truck and puts it in a tree. See, Speaker 2 00:40:50 That is over, That is extreme what Clark does in Superman too, where he just spins the guy around really fast in the diner that I, I was like, All right. That was justified. And I think this is that level. Yeah. She didn't actually hurt him. Speaker 0 00:41:04 Yeah. But he, he definitely was scared enough that he was gonna get out of there. Speaker 2 00:41:08 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:41:09 And it's not like he tipped Well, so it's not like her friend is losing out out anything. Speaker 2 00:41:13 Yeah. Yeah. Out in the street. Jarvis is in a car watching Peggy as she leaves, and he's talking to Howard Stark on the phone, says that Peggy will never suspect. Speaker 0 00:41:23 Oh my God. Uh, more, more machinations Stark just can't help himself Speaker 2 00:41:30 <laugh>. And without our episode end. Speaker 0 00:41:31 All right. So notice time for Sp fact versus fiction. Would you like me to go first? Speaker 2 00:41:35 Sure. What do you got? Speaker 0 00:41:36 Okay, so there's a part where they mention a red ball. Speaker 2 00:41:40 Ah, you got that <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:41:43 I also have, Do you wanna do it? Go Speaker 2 00:41:44 Ahead. No, no, no, go ahead. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:41:46 So there's a couple origins, according to Wikipedia. One origin is that's by the US Air Force to identify aircraft maintenance issues. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:41:55 <affirmative>, Speaker 0 00:41:55 But it's more likely they used it as from homicide a year on The Killing Streets, which is a book that I read most of. Yeah. It's 600 pages. I didn't read all of it. But The Red Ball is used to put, is used to describe a high profile police cases, draws media and political attention, and therefore is given a high priority. Speaker 2 00:42:16 All right. So I'm just gonna minor, Correct. You have a little more, So it's not exactly, Well, it's not necessarily from homicide a year on The Killing Streets. It was featured in that book, but that's not a word or originated from. Speaker 0 00:42:30 Okay. Speaker 2 00:42:32 But I will say that when I heard that, what I immediately thought of was, it's used in Minority report where a red ball means a premeditated murder. Speaker 0 00:42:41 Hmm. Okay. So so it goes around, Yeah. It's going around in the circle. Like Minority Report probably got that from homicide. Speaker 2 00:42:48 It definitely did. Yeah. Or, well, from, you know, real life, you know, Yes. Police cases, but then it changed into its own different thing. But I, which, but I thought of that first, but yeah. So it was interesting to me though, like, I was like, Why a red ball? They make it in my minority report reference. But no, it's a real thing, which is interesting. I know it. All right. You have Speaker 0 00:43:07 Anything else? Yeah, so the other thing I have is the whole thing about stark selling military hardware. So first I was like, okay, so military hardware, where did it end up after World War ii? Cause I know Israel got some checkers, Toia got some, but that, that was too big. So what I instead looked up instead was Henry Ford. All right. Ah, Speaker 2 00:43:25 Okay, Sure, sure. Speaker 0 00:43:26 I knew that. I knew that Henry Ford didn't like Jews very much, but Okay. It's actually worse than that. Oh, no. Oh, it's, that's true. It's essentially worse than that. So the, my two articles are medium.com. Henry Ford actually aided the Nazis as much as he could and factual with a pH like fat, like factual eight American companies that worked with the Nazis during World War ii. Uh, so on his 75th birthday in 1938, Henry Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the order of the German Eagle by the National Socialist German Workers' Party, also known as the Nazi party. Hmm. Uh, Ford and his business constructed for both sides through the Nazi parties, is sent to power and also the war itself. Now, Ford didn't make weapons per se. Okay. But he did make cars say hello to Ford and General Motors. Uh, Hitler was so impressed with Henry Ford. He hung a picture of Henry Ford on his office wall. Speaker 2 00:44:29 Huh. Speaker 0 00:44:29 While, while Germans throughout the world or throughout the country had pictures of Hitler, Hitler had a picture of Ford. Um, so Ford had a facility in a place in Germany called Cole, spelled k o with an umla, L n I don't know how you would say that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, whatever. In the 1930s. He continued to make sell cars with Russian slave labor for both American and Germans during World War ii. Uh, when the US Sr. Government prohibited Ford from purchasing simple German ingredients, he counted by importing supplies from across Germany in, returned for German parts. So basically, yeah, that was kind of shitty. Speaker 2 00:45:09 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:45:10 Yeah. That's all I have for spy fact versus fiction. Speaker 2 00:45:13 All right. So I've got a few things. So we've got the ssr, the Strategic Scientific Reserve, which seems to be based on the Office of Strategic Services, which we've talked about before, right? Speaker 0 00:45:25 Oh yeah. A bunch of times with, uh, Catcher was a spy. Yeah. At least other ones too. Speaker 2 00:45:32 The only one I can think of off the top of my head. Um, but just a reminder that it's, was this from Wikipedia? The OSS is the Office of Strategic Services. It's the Intel was the intelligence agency of the US during World War ii, which later was dissolved and was succeeded by the cia. All right. So I've got something about the electro larynx, which is what the, uh, what is his name? Speaker 0 00:45:59 The bad guy. I should have suspected when you knew what it was that you had something about it. Speaker 2 00:46:04 <laugh>. Brandis Brandis is his name. So this Wikipedia, it's, uh, an electro larynx sometimes refer to as a throat, back as a medical device about the size of a small electric razor used to produce clearer speech by those who have lost their voice box, usually due to cancer of the larynx. The most common device is a handheld battery operated device pressed against the skin under the mand, which produces vibrations to allow speech, Speaker 0 00:46:29 Which is basically what happened in the episode. Yeah. Or close enough to it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:34 Yeah. So usually it's used for throat cancer, but in this case, it seems like it was an elective process given that they had the identical scars. Speaker 0 00:46:43 Yeah. And they're bad guys. Speaker 2 00:46:44 Yeah. So, lastly, I've got something from Jonah Mendez former, uh, Chief of Disguise at the cia. Now, this is from, uh, sp scapes website, which has Mendez's top 10 CIA disguised tips. I won't read all of them, but I'll read the ones that are relevant to Peggy's disguise at the Barton Club. Speaker 0 00:47:05 Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:47:06 <affirmative>. So, number one, blending. If you don't wanna be noticed, if you have time by a local clothing. So here she's, you know, blending it. If she just came dressed as, you know, her usual agent attire, she would stand out. Whereas if she's just another, you know, woman dressed and dressed fancily, she blends in. Speaker 0 00:47:24 Yeah. Stand out versus blend in is kind of relative, right? Like people were, that guy certainly noticed her. Speaker 2 00:47:30 Yeah. But I'm sure he noticed any girl who came in with, you know, a loca dress. Speaker 0 00:47:35 <laugh>. That's Speaker 2 00:47:35 True. And also, does he, is he really thinking about her face at that moment? Speaker 0 00:47:39 No comment. Speaker 2 00:47:41 Hmm. All right. So number two, Change your hair. If you can't color it or wear a wig, change of style may help change your appearance. Number five, makeup makeup will be a game changer for men or women who wanna smooth out a rough complexion. I'm gonna skip past to number 10. Own it just as important as you disguise your demeanor stride in like you own the room and the characters. So I think, and I will, well, I won't presume to speak for Jonah Mendez, but at least judging from these top 10 tips, I think she does a pretty good job in sort of disguising herself and not making herself, you know, obvious and to other people Speaker 0 00:48:16 Walk in like you own. It is just good advice for life. Speaker 2 00:48:18 All right. Let's go to our favorite quotes. What have you got? Speaker 0 00:48:24 Uh, actually, why don't you go first? Cause I have one I wanna get into a little bit. Speaker 2 00:48:28 All right. So I've got the end of her, uh, threatening speech to the, uh, automa patron to Speaker 0 00:48:35 The vet. Speaker 2 00:48:37 To the vet. Doesn't excuse being an asshole. <laugh>. Oh, and one more thing, tip generously. And actually my other quote isn't reference to him as well, where Peggy says, you see Irreg and then you says, Yeah, but a regular, what? I'm not allowed to say that on the clock. Speaker 0 00:48:56 That was a very 19 four. You gotta say that with the transatlantic accent by a regular, What? I'll tag you off the clock or whatever. I'm not allowed to say on the clock. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:49:05 Uh, all, What do you got? Speaker 0 00:49:07 I think you know what I was going for. So, yeah, so I, so there's some funny ones, but I'm gonna do more of the, like, the serious ones. Speaker 2 00:49:14 Okay. Speaker 0 00:49:14 Uh, I, I like the one, where is it? SSA is the guy's name. Dan Daniel says, Well, unfortunately I can't find my leg anywhere. And Peggy says, You're one of the lucky ones in response. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then later she says to Jarvis, If we live, I'll tell you all about it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but so my favorite part of both of these episodes, my favorite part was when someone, I think it's Thompson, says to Carter, I guess being Captain America's liaison in quotation marks has its advantages. And I really like that because even though it's like kind of, even though it's kind of a fucked up thing to say, Speaker 2 00:49:54 It's kind, it's extremely fucked up thing to say. Okay. Speaker 0 00:49:58 Okay. Yeah, I fine. I agree. It's an extremely fucked thing to say, but it's, I really like how there's like a meta thing going on where like, it makes you wonder like how many people knew that she was with Captain America and like, what's the nature of her job? And also I, I like, that's the thing that they've done in other series, whereas like, you have the hero and then you have the, you know, the people that get caught and the hero is as the, as the hero just barrels through the world. Right? So it like, maybe for us, for watching the audience or us in the audience cap, Peggy is just the love interest in one single Captain America movie. But for her, her being with Captain America not for that long, has ramifications for her whole life. Not only for the way she feels, but the way other people interact with her. So I, I thought that was really interesting for just a single line. Okay. You know what I mean? Speaker 2 00:50:51 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, I don't necessarily agree that's the best part of the, all these episodes, but, Okay. Well, Speaker 0 00:50:56 What I consider to be the best part is the, the part that makes me like, think like, maybe like wake up and be like, Oh, I never really thought of that before. That that's different. As opposed to like, I don't know, she punches a guy, you know, I've seen that a billion times. Speaker 2 00:51:11 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:51:12 But something that makes you, I mean, Speaker 2 00:51:13 I guess, cause I've seen this series before, I like, that doesn't, it didn't, you know, strike me as anything new because I clearly got that just cuz I've seen the series before. Speaker 0 00:51:22 Yeah. I also feel like something like that has also happened to lowest lane. So, so like Joe, those comics, Superman's girlfriend, Lowest Lane, the ones from like back in like the, the sixties or Speaker 2 00:51:33 Whatever, fifties. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:51:34 Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Whatever. Fifties. Um, that's what this reminded me of where it's like Superman and Couch America. Catch, Sorry, Speaker 2 00:51:41 Go ahead. Go on. So Speaker 0 00:51:42 This part reminded me of that cuz like Superman and Catch America cast these huge shadows and it's very difficult for the people around them. Like Lois Lane and I guess like Agent Carter too, to get out from under those shadows and establish themselves as their own people. Not just Captain America's girlfriend or Superman's girlfriend. Speaker 2 00:52:00 Well, I will say though about those comic is usually those are you comics are usually terrible about <laugh> and, oh, I don't know what I'm gonna wear on the date with Superman, which was no, not the best portrayal Lois. And there's much better portrayals Lois out Speaker 0 00:52:14 There. Dude, If, if you think that's the worst, lowest lame comic there are way worse ones than that. Speaker 2 00:52:19 Oh no, I'm, you know, let's not get dirty. You're, Speaker 0 00:52:21 You're familiar. All Speaker 2 00:52:24 I'm just saying, I'm just as an example. Anyways, so should we get to our ratings? Speaker 0 00:52:28 Yes. For this episode, No Time To Die or whatever it was called. Um, so we, we rate it on a scale of one to 10 Martinis. Speaker 2 00:52:35 No Time To Die Speaker 0 00:52:36 <laugh>. Uh, one it's Speaker 2 00:52:38 Called like, called now is not the end. Speaker 0 00:52:41 Oh, okay. Speaker 2 00:52:42 Just for the record. It is not no called No Time to Die. Okay. Speaker 0 00:52:45 So, so our, our ratings a scale of one to percent Martins, one being Avengers 1997 and 10 being even better than Taken or No time to die or burn Notice, how would we rate episode one of Agent Carter? I can go first. Speaker 2 00:52:59 I'm very serious. Go ahead. Yes. Speaker 0 00:53:01 Yeah, so I really liked the pilot of Agents to Shield, or the beginning of Agents of Shield. This, this one, I don't know, it just didn't do that much for me. Like, it's not bad. It had interesting stuff, but like, her being in disguise, her stealing the stuff, her infiltrating a factory and then the factory blows up. It's, I don't know, we've just seen that before and, uh, maybe I'm getting jaded. I, I know I probably shouldn't be, but it, it is how I feel. It's kinda like meth. It's okay. I don't give it a six out of 10. Speaker 2 00:53:33 Oof. All right. Uh, I am going to give this. Hmm. Well, I mean, I like this show. I like this character. First of all, like even just in Captain America, the first Avenger, I liked this character, so I liked getting to see more of her. I liked getting to see more of her as just, you know, her own character and not outside of Captain America's shadow. Yes. I mean, she's still in the shadow of him, but she got to be, we got to see who she is without him and, Right. Yes. We may have seen some of these things before, like, but every spy show is gonna have disguises and fights and infiltrating a building. So just because it's there doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing or a trope. Not all tropes are bad things and getting more time with this character, I thought is great, was great, and I I really enjoy this character, so I'm gonna give it eight out of 10. Speaker 0 00:54:27 Well, that is a big draw of v MCU is even if the plots aren't exactly anything to write home about, it's the characters that you would love and love spending time with. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> is what always brings people back. Speaker 2 00:54:39 Yeah. All right. Should we move on to our second episode of the Rugby Be Covering? Speaker 0 00:54:43 Yeah. So our second episode was called The Iron Ceiling. And is that supposed to be a reference to the Glass Ceiling? Speaker 2 00:54:48 Uh, Glass Ceiling and Iron Curtain? Yeah. Probably. Speaker 0 00:54:51 Oh, a combination of both. All right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So the, um, the description on imdb is Carter finally gets a chance to prove herself as she is sent on a mission in Russia with Agent Thompson and the Howling Commandos. Meanwhile, agents, Dosa makes an important discovery. Speaker 2 00:55:08 Yeah. So we got a little recap from basically what's happened between episodes, the first episode and this episode. Uh, one thing that's not sort of mentioned in that recap is that Peggy moved into Angie's building and she meets Dorothy Underwood, who, who is a new resident in the building as well. We see her kill a guy. Speaker 0 00:55:28 Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:55:29 <affirmative>. We also found out that apparently one of the things that Stark was guarding was Steve Rogers blood, and also the photos from the club, from the, from the club photographer. Uh, none of them show her face. We do see, you know, her back and also Chief Dooley now has the typewriter of the silent guy. Speaker 0 00:55:48 Yeah. So, Dorothy or Dotty Underwood, as I think she introduces herself, is played by Bridget Regan, who is in a ton of stuff on imd, but I know her from a show that was the same time slot and level of, um, production values as Jack of All Trades, a show we covered recently, <laugh>. And that show, that show was called Legend of the Seeker, and it was based on the sort of true spots Oh, by Terry Good. Kind. And Bridget Regan played the Confessor Kalan, which is a woman with a mysterious past and a really powerful superpower. Speaker 2 00:56:24 Okay. I've heard the title Legends had no idea what it was about. Okay. Anyways, so we start in Russia, 1937, where there's a bunch of girls handcuffed to their cots. Speaker 0 00:56:37 Yeah. And immediately, I, I, I assume everyone in the audience is like, Oh, is this a Black widow or a Jen Speaker 2 00:56:43 <laugh>? Speaker 0 00:56:43 They don't say it in the episode, at least not this one. Speaker 2 00:56:46 No. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but yeah, so they get uncuffed from their cots. We see one of them has stolen a piece of bread, give some to another girl. They're watching Snow White and practicing their English ac or their American accents, which reminded me there is a scene in the opening credits of Black Widow where all of the, the Red Room trainees are watching American cartoons to practice their English. Speaker 0 00:57:10 Wow. Uh, I did not remember that. That was the 2018 Black Widow. Speaker 2 00:57:13 Yes. Yes it Speaker 0 00:57:14 Is. Or whatever mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> 2021 Black Widow. Um, 2020. Yeah. I thought it would've been, Yeah. I thought it would've been Snow White. You know, maybe they just forgot that they had Snow White and Agent Carter, or maybe they didn't wanna make it as obvious. Speaker 2 00:57:28 Well, I mean, we'll get to it later. Um, yeah. So they also have fight training against each other. The one who gave, uh, the girl the piece of bread and, you know, gets the upper hand and the other one in a choke hold, and then with the nod of the instructor kills the other girl, Speaker 0 00:57:45 I guess they're not that good friends or more, it's like, Yeah, she's just that far along. Speaker 2 00:57:50 Yep. And then Dotty wakes up in her room and starts doing some sit ups. So Dotty is having a meal with Peggy and the Automa. She's eating bread and like, gives half to Peggy, which clues you in that she was that little girl. Right. She's new in New York City, so she wants charting out all the tourist destinations in NYC that she wants to see. Peggy is distracted. She finds Jarvis's card in her purse and tears it up. Peggy says that you should get to know the people first rather than seeing all the tourist straps. And she recommends starting in Brooklyn. Speaker 0 00:58:19 Yeah. Apparently Dotty, what need to do is just go to Brooklyn and like hang around Speaker 2 00:58:25 <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:58:26 I guess. Yeah. Something you didn't mention in the recap is that apparently her and the Starks are not getting along. Oh, Speaker 2 00:58:33 Yeah. Yeah. That's Speaker 0 00:58:34 Right. By the way, uh, fun old drinking game for this. Take a shot. Every time someone says Stark <laugh>, you'll be through the episode. Speaker 2 00:58:42 So Dotty knocks over Peggy's bag and picks it up, You know, it's apologizes Peggy leaves, but it's revealed that Dotty took her keys. Speaker 0 00:58:50 Yes. Speaker 2 00:58:51 So Peggy is outside of the news stand, is getting a, a newspaper. Jarvis finds her in the newsstand. He's apologizing for not telling her about Steve's blood, but Peggy is not having any of it. Jarvis admits that Howard has flaws, but he's a good man. But Peggy says, Nope, She u he used me and Jarvis counters. Well, the SSR uses you two Speaker 0 00:59:15 <laugh>. Yeah. Great comeback. Jarvis, not really Speaker 2 00:59:19 Back in the SSR office, all hands are on deck. Sasha Demen, uh, that's the name of the Settleman, uh, his typewriter turned on and there's encoded message, and they brought in a cryptographer to decode the message, and we overhear him talking to Chief Duley says it's not German or us, The touring method wouldn't work, except I don't see a giant bomb machine machine anywhere there to decode it. Speaker 0 00:59:45 Yeah. They must have have it in the basement, but it is nice to have that shout out. Speaker 2 00:59:49 Yeah. Yeah. With cryptographer can't make heads or tails of message. Peggy sees it, recognize it's a one time pad system. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:59:58 Which we know them. Speaker 2 01:00:00 We talked about, I still don't remember a one time pad being mentioned at all, and Jack Ryan, Speaker 0 01:00:07 It was <laugh> D for Speaker 2 01:00:09 It. Ok. All right. I'm gonna, I will look for that because I do not remember that at all. Anyways, she recognized it's a one time pad and the Crip offers like, You don't think I would've tried a pad first off? And she says, Well, did you account for the original message being in Russian? Okay, here's my problem with this. Speaker 0 01:00:26 Oh, you finally found something you don't like <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:30 Hey, if there's a legitimate problem, I will point it out. Yeah. Um, one time pad, There's no way you can just see something, You can recognize it's a potentially a one time pad, but there's no way you cancri it because it is literally randomized and you like, it's in the name one time pad as in one pad. You rip it, you rip it off, and use the next one the next day. And you never use that one again. Speaker 0 01:00:52 Oh, I thought you were gonna say it's stupid that a professional cryptographer wouldn't think to translate it from Russian. Speaker 2 01:00:58 Oh, no. That, um, I mean, he doesn't know necessarily where it's coming from, although Dema dove, that's very Russian also. Yes. Now that I think about. Yes. But the whole, and I get that they're trying to be clever with, you know, referencing, you know, b Blatchley park and touring, but a one time pad, you know, Yes, it's possible to decrypt it, but you wouldn't be able to recognize it and you and decrypted just like that. Speaker 0 01:01:20 Yeah. I feel like probably somebody back then just looked up cryptographer spy communications and one time pad came up and they were like, We'll just use that. Put it in the script. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:01:31 Yeah. Like, no, it, it, I appreciate that they're tr what they're trying to go for here, but it didn't make sense for what an one time pad actually is, how they actually work. I, I mean, they seem to have done the work, at least cuz it did look like how you would have the, you know, five letter blocks for a one time pad. But that's not how they work. Speaker 0 01:01:51 The the writing didn't hold together. Speaker 2 01:01:53 Yeah. Anyway, so she decodes it finds out that their map coordinates and also it says purchase confirmed exchange at oh 800 April 27th. Apparently the coordinates are for the marina haka forest in BEUs. And the next line of the dec description is Leviathan to acquire prototype havoc reactor. And Chief Duley reveals that Levi Leviathan is a covert Russian organization, supposedly wanted to purchase weapons to fight the allies after the war. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the next line says payment of $100,000 to Howard Stark. Wow. Speaker 0 01:02:26 They just named drop him there. That's so convenient. Speaker 2 01:02:29 <laugh> <laugh>. So duly wants Thompson and his crew to go to Russia and Peggy says, I helped the code this I should go to. Right. So duly sees both of them in his office. Peggy says they need a Codebreaker and Thompson Con, I don't wanna have to act as a babysitter for you. Right. And duly says that, you know, put yourself in my shoes. If you get killed or someone else get kill gets killed, it falls on my head. And Peggy says, I know this train. I've been there, I've been in the trenches there and or the only people who know this better than me is a hundred seventh. And Dooley's like, Well, there's no way you can get the 107th. I say, What if I could and like, well pack then I'd say, pack your bags. But that's not gonna happen. Speaker 0 01:03:03 This part was great. It was so funny. Speaker 2 01:03:05 So she leaves, makes a call, and as they're, they're making a call, Thompson talks to Dolan is like, you know, uh, well plan on going meeting to the Polish side of the border. And I think that's the best way. And as soon as she, he says that she comes back and says, the hundred and Central meet us on the Polish side of the Russian border. That is the best plan for that. Right? Isn't it? Duly like, All right, fine. Gear up. Speaker 0 01:03:25 Yeah. So this part, that part was great. It is kind of funny. They're like, We'll meet you on the Polish side. That's like hundreds of miles long, but whatever. And I can pick for once. I also like the bat, the boss says, I don't wanna get a woman killed mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I appreciated. I thought that felt very real to the times. Okay. It felt very authentic. Um, and to a good reason as opposed to just, I don't like she's a woman, I'm a stereotype. Know what I Speaker 2 01:03:55 Mean? It's a fine line between the two Speaker 0 01:03:57 <laugh>. That's Yeah, that's fair. And then I also like, again from the boss when he says, Listen Thompson, this little crush of yours on Carter is starting to get kind of old <laugh> and Thompson's like, what are you talking about? He gets all defensive <laugh>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I really didn't think he was like, had a, I didn't think he had a crush on Carter until that moment. Speaker 2 01:04:15 Yeah. So Peggy is outside of the men's locker room because, and needs to change cuz apparently the women's restroom is downstairs in the ad agency, which is a cover. And she decides she'd rather, you know, change in there than have the go all the way down, put combat clothes on in the women's restroom and have to explain that. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:04:34 Which is, again, I like this whole thing is very authentic. It all makes sense. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I like it. Speaker 2 01:04:39 So she goes off to a separate section. The man are resistant to her coming along. Suza brings in some intel for them, and Thompson tricks suza into going over where, to where Peggy is changing. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:04:51 She's practically naked by 1940 standards, which is to say she's wearing a very long dress that would not look out of place in a casino these days. Speaker 2 01:05:01 <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:05:03 Yeah. Uh, around here she also gets a met vest Speaker 2 01:05:07 <laugh>. Yes. Uh, but what, what Suza does actually catch a glimpse of is Peggy shoulder and two distinctive looking scars. There. Speaker 0 01:05:18 Was that from the movie? What did she get the scars? You wanna know how I got these scars? Did she get the scars in the movie? Uh, does it ever explain where she got them from? Speaker 2 01:05:27 Um, we'll see. Okay. Speaker 0 01:05:30 <laugh>, I mean like, I assume it's just in some other episode. I was just curious. Speaker 2 01:05:33 No, no, it's not explained there, but it is explained in her file later and we'll get to that. Uh, Speaker 0 01:05:37 Alright, Speaker 2 01:05:38 So in a plane heading to the drop point, we find out they're gonna be parachuting out of the plane. Thompson is nervous. He's apparently done eight training jumps, but no real combat jumps. Whereas Peggy, you know, has done this a bunch of times. Speaker 0 01:05:52 Okay. So this is the second alien's reference. I don't know if they meant to do this. I'm gonna use up one of my, my favorite lines. There's a part where Carter says, I'm just not used to serving with boys. So this of course reminded me of the famous exchange in aliens where, um, Hudson says to Vasquez, Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man? She says, No. How about you? Classic line <laugh>. But then also, um, the Lieutenant, Lieutenant Gorman says, in the aliens, I've done three combat jumps. Pause, simulated. So the idea is like, he doesn't know what he's doing either. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So maybe someone who wrote this episode as a fan also could be Carter looks really good at that helmet. I Speaker 2 01:06:31 Must have. I like, I like that outfit. Yeah. I, I'm sad that they ditched the helmets afterwards, after they left Speaker 0 01:06:36 <laugh>. Yeah, that would've been good. But those you ever worn a World War II helmet? They're Speaker 2 01:06:40 Heavy. I mean, I've got a costume one for my World War ii Captain America costume. Is it heavy? Which is it's it is heavy, but I mean it's, I assume a real helmet is even heavier. Speaker 0 01:06:50 Yeah. Talk, talk about we're not the greatest generation. Like you can barely wear the helmet for five minutes for my next starts to hurt Speaker 2 01:06:56 <laugh>. Anyway, so the land, they hired their parachutes and they quickly find the howling commandos, including dumb dumb dugin who forgot the password. Uh, which is not IU or ostrich, it's eagle. So I I assumed you enjoyed having, uh, what's his face show up here? Speaker 0 01:07:13 It's Neil by dumb not what's his face. Yeah. It was great to have him back, but I was just reminded of how dumb dumb dugin is. Like not a character like that hat in his mustache is like his entire character. Speaker 2 01:07:24 Does he need more character than that <laugh>? Speaker 0 01:07:27 I'm saying Neil McDonough's, uh, acting knife was blunted on this script. Ah, it's still nice to see him. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:07:36 Yeah. So Peggy introduces everyone and yeah, I I think dumb dumb is the only one who's actually from the movies. All the rest are like new characters, although all characters from the h commandos from the comics. Right. So Thompson suggests they get moving and start going east to the border. Uh, whereas dumb dumb says you're gonna run into a wall of reds before you reach the border. Let's go up through Lithuania and let's take these two trucks that we have rather than walk. Speaker 0 01:08:01 Yeah. So already bringing them along was a good decision. Speaker 2 01:08:04 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Peggy is in a truck with Dugin. She brought a bottle of bourbon for him. Dugin wants to know the story between Stark and Lev. Peggy says that she knows that Howard isn't selling to them, them and thinks it's all a trap. And also they, you know, both Miss Steve. Speaker 0 01:08:19 Yep. Take a couple shots there from the mention of Stark Speaker 2 01:08:23 <laugh>. So back at ssr, Suza is, you know, still there. It's late at night and so is Chief Dooley Dooley is going to have a drink with a friend. Uh, so once he leaves, Suza gets Peggy's file and sees the two gunshots in her shoulder in the file. Except Yes, it's backwards. Speaker 0 01:08:42 <laugh> <laugh>. Oh, the, the picture is like flipped or something. Speaker 2 01:08:45 Well, so presumably I, this is just me. You would think that cuz it's not a, they don't have a photograph of her body with all the scars. What they have is like dummy drawing with like just a default body. And then X is where she has different scars. Right now you'd presume they'd be looking face on at your cell on, in her file it shows the two, um, gunshot wounds being on the left shoulder. Speaker 0 01:09:11 Oh, that's a great observation. I did not notice that. That's really Speaker 2 01:09:14 Funny. But Well, I think the reason they did it that way is because when you see the photo it's on, she's, you know, you're looking at her back from her back and so you see them in the right shoulder, but you're, if it's flipped, so for the audience it's like, all right, I see the two bullet holes on that side and oh, two gunshot wounds on that side, but it's really should be flipped around the other way. Speaker 0 01:09:36 <laugh> Yes. To be cracked. Speaker 2 01:09:37 Yeah. But so he compares those, you know, where the wounds are to the photos of the blonde woman from the Martin e and and his memory of where Peggy's scars were and they all match and now he has to cycle Speaker 0 01:09:48 Figures it out Speaker 2 01:09:49 To do with that information. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> back in the Eastern block, Peggy and the Holy Commandos and the SSR are on the campfire trading stories about their service. Something about a Yeti and an abominable snowman. Speaker 0 01:10:00 Yeah. Did that remind you of anything? No. So do you remember all the way back and sea stories when Admiral McRaven encountered the spirits of the people up in the northern Canada <laugh>? Speaker 2 01:10:12 Oh, right. Speaker 0 01:10:12 And people thought it was like a Sasquatch type thing. <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:10:16 But Speaker 0 01:10:16 Yeah. So we see a side of Thompson that Carter like respects. She's like, Wow, maybe he is not like a sexist dick all the time. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:23 So, so apparently Thompson has a Navy cross and so he tells a story. It's 1945 Socan Island. Thompson fell asleep on a night shift and woke up and now and found three Japanese soldiers walking to the camp. One is bending down over a sleeping CEO and he shoots all of them before anyone wakes up. Oh, Speaker 0 01:10:41 There was three. I thought it was like seven. I missed, I mean, I missed six. Yeah. Oh, okay. Speaker 2 01:10:46 Yeah. And also before any of them realized he was there. And yeah, like you said, Peggy sort of has a new appreciation for Thompson after hearing that story. Speaker 0 01:10:54 Yeah. After hearing that he killed a fellow human, human being, <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:10:59 Well, it's more that, you know, he was, he was able to actually take them all down and that he saved his entire camp, I think is more Speaker 0 01:11:07 Yeah, yeah. No, I mean like he reacted under pressure and did what he had to do. No, I get it. Yeah. I'm just being difficult. That's what I do here. Speaker 2 01:11:13 What else is new Speaker 0 01:11:15 <laugh> Speaker 2 01:11:15 Chief Doley is at the bar with his friend, Speaker 0 01:11:18 His friend John Glover. Speaker 2 01:11:20 Yes. I, during this, Speaker 0 01:11:23 Yeah, I guess star extravaganza. Speaker 2 01:11:25 I presume we've seen him in another episode, but I don't actually remember. Speaker 0 01:11:29 Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:11:31 But he's asking about the battle of finna, apparently in this battle there's 247 Russians who are massacred, but no one will take credit for it. We find out that John Glover is a writer. He wrote a piece about it for the times that got buried because it implicated the Army and Stark in a Russian cover up. Speaker 0 01:11:48 Hmm. Stark shot <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:11:51 Apparently Stark was there for the cleanup. General McGinness was the person in charge of cleanup, um, who apparently died of a heart attack a month ago. And in the story Stark punched McGinness and McGinness wept the floor with him, but resigned a week later. And then the week after that, Stark walked away from a seven figure r and d contract with the Army and cut all ties. So John Glover thinks that, you know, they don't have the whole story, but I wasn't sure what the truth really is. Speaker 0 01:12:18 Hey, you know what I really wanted to see in my Agent Carter show long conversations with people talking about Howard Stark, who isn't even there, which you probably wouldn't have bothered me so much except we just had one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> it, it's like enough already with these talking about Stark. I know, I like to joke about the shots, but it's like, this is an Agent Carter show, not a, not a Howard Stark show. Speaker 2 01:12:43 Anyway, so back in Russia, Thompson is looking at the facility through some binoculars, says that, you know, we should break in groups, um, no weapons discharge and lost absolutely necessary. So they, you know, team up into teams, two teams of four. Speaker 0 01:12:58 Yeah. For some reason you mix the teams they have I like it our guys, but like, but why the whole commanders are used to working with each other. Yeah. But it's like, did they get a board and they just wanted to hang out with somebody else for a change? Speaker 2 01:13:12 It's acknowledge that they are the best there is. So wouldn't you wanna have the best there is in both groups and not just one group be the best and the other be not combat Ready Speaker 0 01:13:22 <laugh>. That wouldn't have been funny if they had been like, Reha commanders are the best and they're like, No, we're the best. And they like argue about it. That's what I would've done. Speaker 2 01:13:30 No, again, let us be glad you not Speaker 0 01:13:33 <laugh>. All right. Speaker 2 01:13:34 But no, I, I mean, yeah, we, like everyone is in awe and reference of the Halloween mano, so of course they would want them in both groups. Speaker 0 01:13:43 Okay. Yeah. I was, uh, just wondering about that. That was fine. Speaker 2 01:13:46 Okay. Anyway, so the group with Peggy and Dugin fine a classroom, the accidentally turn on a projector and so here Yeah. It's not just Snow White that they're using. They use other cartoons as well. Yeah, Speaker 0 01:13:58 Yeah. No, I never thought otherwise, but yeah, I like this part. It was very creepy. Yeah. Uh, very unsettling. Yeah. Nice to see it. Speaker 2 01:14:05 And also there's actually embedded messages in the film in Russian, which says, was it Inflict Fear, I think was the what Speaker 0 01:14:13 He said in, in Russian. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:14:15 And they also hear a little kid crying somewhere. So they go to investigate and they find children's beds with handcuffs on them and dumb dumb finds the crying kid and approaches her and says, you know, we're here to help. And she's like pointing at his hand and distracts dumb dumb and then stabs him Speaker 0 01:14:35 And, and then kills a helling commando. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:14:38 She steals his gun shoots one of the commandos Speaker 0 01:14:40 And she gets away with it. Like they don't bring her to justice in this episode. I probably never Speaker 2 01:14:45 Nope, nope. Yeah, she escapes through event. Um, so Speaker 0 01:14:49 Scary. Speaker 2 01:14:50 How commando, I don't remember which one it is, but it is in the comics. This is the notable, I'm trying to remember which one he is, but he's the notable for being the one first one who actually dies in the comic too. And like a, a good example of, you know, averting comic book death where he actually is dead and stays dead. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 01:15:07 <affirmative>. Yeah. He's not important enough to be brought back <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:15:10 But yeah. So the other group finds them and says, what happened? Oh, you know, there was a kid and All right, everyone stay on your toes. Speaker 0 01:15:18 Does. Speaker 2 01:15:19 Yeah. Back in New York, Dooley finds Jarvis in the street and tries to ask him about, uh, General McGinness Jarvis claims to have never heard of him. Dooley tells him, you know, I'm not a witch hunt, I'm just here, just want to find out the truth. So tell your boss that back in Russia, they're making their way through the facility. They shoot a guard that they find and find a jail cell with two men in there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And we go back to New York where Dotty is finally going into Peggy's room. Speaker 0 01:15:47 What do you mean finally <laugh>? Speaker 2 01:15:49 Well, it's been, you know, since the beginning of the episode and we haven't checked in with her since then Speaker 0 01:15:55 Long enough to forget about it. Speaker 2 01:15:56 Yeah. But as she unlocks the door, she notices a string falling down and apparently it was racked around the padlocks. Nice. Which she, you know, notices and thinks, Oh, that's very clever. Which reminded me of Dr. No James Bond putting his hair across the two doors. Speaker 0 01:16:11 Right. Which of course is like in 1984 with the chalk as we talked about at the time. You know, I guess I don't remember that, but so, so this part, of course, this is fine. Do you remember, um, I think we talked about it before, the Spy museum where you have to put everything back the way you found Speaker 2 01:16:27 It. Yes, yes. Uhhuh. Yep. Yep. And Speaker 0 01:16:28 We were always really bad at it. We could never do it. Yeah, I Speaker 2 01:16:31 Totally remember that. We were bad at it. <laugh>, Speaker 0 01:16:34 Maybe you were good at it, but I I was not good at it. Speaker 2 01:16:37 No. Yeah. <laugh>. Uh, but yeah, so she starts searching the room checks the bad books, clothing. She finds a false bottom in one of the drawers, and there's a jewelry box in there with a photos of all of the bad babies. And she puts all the photos saved for one back. Right. She also sees the photo of Skinny Steve and like sits down at the vanity and like Dotty, you know, finds the Sweet Dreams, lipstick, puts some on starts pretending that she's Peggy putting on an English accent. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then she, with that one photograph that she took leaves and puts the string back on the padlock. Speaker 0 01:17:13 This is like spy versus spy stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like the, like the mad cartoons, <laugh> Speaker 2 01:17:19 <laugh>, uh, so back in Russia, Peggy is talking to the people in the cell. Apparently Levi Leviathan got some sematics that they didn't know how to build and they wanted them to build, build it for them. Yeah. So one of them is an engineer and the other is his therapist. Apparently the engineer has some mental issues and the therapist provides the stability for him to actually get the work done. Speaker 0 01:17:40 Very cute that they were locked up together some free sessions. Speaker 2 01:17:43 So apparently the weapon is a photo amplifier. It alters the behavior of the waves that make up light and also Stark's not there. Apparently Laia then stole the schematics and wouldn't need the engineer if Stark was actually there. Speaker 0 01:17:56 Wow. Great. More conversations about Stark Speaker 2 01:17:59 <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:18:00 I love him. Give me more. Speaker 2 01:18:01 Therapist hasn't heard any mention of Stark being there, which really cements home Peggy's theory. This is all a trap. Right. And one of the ho Commando who was on watch says, We're gonna have company soon. So Peggy shoots the lock for them to escape. We have incoming Lahan soldiers. She, um, they get backed into a corner and Peggy calls Dugin for an exit. When one of the SSR agents Lee gets shot in the head. Oh no. And then one of the other commandos gets shot on the leg and the engineer grabs the commando and he tries to use him as leverage to in exchange so he can, you know, leave with his life. And they're all trying to talk him down saying, This is not the way do it. You if you wanna leave, this is not how it's gonna happen. As far Speaker 0 01:18:46 As pretty exciting where it's like, Oh my God, the bagger are come in and a good guy betrays them. People are dying. Oh no. Speaker 2 01:18:52 And yeah, therapist is trying to get through to the engineer, and when it looks like he is, the therapist shoots him. Speaker 0 01:18:58 <laugh> the therapist shoots the engineer. Yep. Oh yeah, that's right. That's right. The album mixed up as who was wet. Speaker 2 01:19:04 Yeah. And as this is going on, Thompson is not returning fire and he is freezing up and he's looking very panicked over there. Speaker 0 01:19:12 Yeah. Which this is such a trope too. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:19:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And finally Dugin provides an exit for them as he blows a hole through the wall and brings the back up. Yeah. And so they're all getting everyone outside through the door or through the hole. But Thompson is still frozen. So Peggy goes and gets him and they all get away in the truck. <laugh> and the SSR are boarding the plane to go back to the states. Dugin tries to convince Peggy to stay, but Peggy says, Nope, you know, I think it's time to put my days on the front lines behind me. Speaker 0 01:19:43 Yeah. So yeah, that would would've been great if you had joined the hall commando. That would've been a large, your French show, certainly. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But this made me wonder, like, what have the Helling commanders been doing? Is this still 1946? Speaker 2 01:19:56 It is still 1946, so I guess they're just sort of cleaning up Europe. Speaker 0 01:20:01 Yeah, I was joking with myself. Maybe they were overthrowing democratically elected, uh, governments in Central America. Speaker 2 01:20:10 They're not the ca the Speaker 0 01:20:11 Timelines wrong Speaker 2 01:20:12 For that <laugh>, but, um, Peggy convinces a therapist to come with him to New York City to help the SSR combat Lavia. Speaker 0 01:20:20 That would've been good too. Speaker 2 01:20:21 Yeah. Back on the plane, Thompson is brooding. Peggy goes over at him and she's, you know, trying to comfort, comfort him saying, You everyone freezes. And he reveals that the Japanese soldiers that he shot when he got his Navy cross were actually carrying a white flag. They were coming there to surrender, but he didn't realize until it was too late. And he buried the flag before anyone else saw. And he says that he's been trying to tell that story. And since he came home from the Speaker 0 01:20:45 War, it's not just a crime, it's a coverup. It's both, but yet he still seems to like him, which is interesting. Well, not Speaker 2 01:20:53 Only did he not okay, why, I don't know. She seems to like him, but she has sympathy for him, empathy for him that doesn't just mean necessarily mean she's interested Speaker 0 01:21:00 In him. I felt like over the course of this episode, Carter's opinion of Thompson improved. Yes, Speaker 2 01:21:05 Sure. Speaker 0 01:21:06 Is that fair to say? Which is interesting because this, with this reveal, like not only did he freeze up when the going got tough, he's also a liar and not a war hero, but mostly a liar. So you think I, I guess I would've expected her reaction that to be more negative than it was. Speaker 2 01:21:21 Well, she's an empathetic, Speaker 0 01:21:22 The empathy's good. Right. I don't know, whatever. I guess I'd be curious if there's more fallout Speaker 2 01:21:28 Later. I would say she also understands being put in a difficult position as she is now with having to lie to the SR to find out the truth of what's going on. Oh, Speaker 0 01:21:36 So she Speaker 2 01:21:37 Relates in a weird way. Yes. Speaker 0 01:21:38 Oh yeah. That, that'll do it. Speaker 2 01:21:39 Yeah. Anyway, so we go back to Dotty in her room, she takes some handcuffs out of her nightstand, handcuffs herself to the bed, and comfortably goes to sleep. Speaker 0 01:21:49 For those of you who didn't pick up on it already, <laugh> this final confirmation that she in fact did go to the school. Speaker 2 01:21:55 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Thompson is making a report to Dooley saying that Lee died honorably. There was no start there and no La Leviathan. However, they did get Intel from Dr. Chenko, this name of the v therapist on LA Levi's plans. Peggy says that doctor doesn't think that Stark is connected to Levi Levithan. Uh, whereas Thompson is still thinking that, you know, he probably is. And they send the doctor in to go see Dooley. And as they're leaving Dooley's office, we see that Su is still there. He seemingly is, isn't sure what to do still, and doesn't reveal to Peggy that he knows Thompson invites to go out for a drink with, you know, the men. But he declines. And then Thompson says, Peggy, you know, why don't you come? I owe you a bourbon. And with that, our episode ends, Speaker 0 01:22:38 Yay. They're finally accepting her. Speaker 2 01:22:40 Yeah. Seemingly, Speaker 0 01:22:42 Seemingly for now. Speaker 2 01:22:44 All right. Do you have anything for spy effect versus spy fiction? Speaker 0 01:22:47 I do, but I seem to recall that it's your turn to go first. Unless you want me to go first. Speaker 2 01:22:51 You can go ahead. Yeah, go Speaker 0 01:22:52 Ahead. All right. So she has this whole speech where she's like, If you're in Bella Russia and you smell herring, that means the Exactly vintage changed and you're about to freeze to death in like five minutes. Right. Do you remember this? Yep. So I looked it up, up. There doesn't seem to be any truth behind that. <laugh>, according to almanac.com, Harry runs can predict the arrival of spring <laugh>. Okay. That's, that's all, that's all you got. Now, also, his story about three Japanese soldiers surrender egg. Now, the reputation of the Japanese army in World War II was that they never surrendered mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, famously, but I was like, Well, is that really true though? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, according to Wikipedia, during the Battle of Okinawa famous battle, over 11,000 Japanese military personnel, including 3000 unarmed laborers surrendered between April and July, 1945, representing 12% of the force deployed for the defense of the island, which is not exactly small, but many of these men were recently conscripted members of boy Boe Boye, uh, home guard units who had not received the same indoct as regular army personnel, but also substantial numbers of imperial Japanese army soldiers also surrendered. Speaker 0 01:24:00 Of course, that's towards the end of the war, but the point is, yeah, surrendering did happen. Speaker 2 01:24:05 Okay. Anything Speaker 0 01:24:06 Else? Nope, that's it. Speaker 2 01:24:07 All right. So I've got a couple things. First off, Leviathan, uh, was also called the Levi Leviathan Horde is a fictional Soviet based terror organization appearing in American comics, published by Marvel Comics. La Leviathan first appeared in Secret Warriors number 11, uh, which was came out in February of 2010. So unlike Shield or Hydro, which first came out in the sixties, Lev Levi think is a much newer, you know, organization at least right. Newer in terms of creation, it's fictional history. It was created around the same time as Shield and Hydro. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:24:40 They keep you guessing. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:24:41 It's not directly confirmed, but it's highly, you know, theorized by a lot of Marvel fans. And La Levi is connected to the Red Room. So that would be like Yeah. A prototype Black Widow program. All right. So also the cryptographer who they bring in is said to be from Arlington Hall, which is like, Hmm, that's interest. I've never heard of that. So according to Wikipedia, Arlington Hall, also called ar, Arlington Hall Station is a historic building in Arlington, Virginia, originally a girl's school and later the headquarters of the US Army's Signal Intelligence Service cryptography effort during World War ii. Speaker 0 01:25:12 Okay, nice. Speaker 2 01:25:13 Yeah. And it site currently houses the George P. Schultz, National Foreigns Affairs Training Center, and the Army National Guards, Herbert r Temple Junior Readiness Center. Uh, apparently in, during the World War ii, Arlington Hall was in many respects, similar to Bletchley Park in England, although Blush Street Park also covered Navy codes, and it's one of only two primary cryptography operations in Washington. The other was in the Naval Communications annex. Speaker 0 01:25:39 All right. Well, wait. Oh, that's not different from the Naval Observatory. That Speaker 2 01:25:43 Is different. Yes. <laugh>. All right. So staying on this theme of the cryptographer. So longitude and latitude, they give very specific degrees. Um, it's, which says 53 degrees and 72 minutes north, 27 degrees, 37 minutes west. So I looked up these coordinates and it's the middle of the ocean. Speaker 0 01:26:05 Okay. That's just, that's just what they would want you to Speaker 2 01:26:07 Think. Well, no, here, Well, let me get into it. First of all, minutes, when you measure, like, so the way that, uh, launched in Ladder had broken up, it's, you know, I think it's, what is it, 180 degrees one way and 90 degrees? Uh, I think it, yeah. Longitude is 180 degrees, latitude is 90 degrees, but when you're broken up with them, each degree is broken at minutes. There's only 60 minutes in each degree. So you wouldn't say 72 minutes north you would, you would be 54 degrees and six and 12 minutes north. And so, yeah. So I looked that up at the middle of the ocean. However, if you change it from, uh, uh, the latitude from west to east, it actually gets pretty close to be, it's in Belarus. So they made a mistake there. Speaker 0 01:26:49 Okay. Speaker 2 01:26:50 <laugh>. So if you ba Yeah, the la the latitude was right. I think the longitude was wrong, which yeah. Speaker 0 01:26:55 Oh, he works on it. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:26:56 Lastly, the bowler hat. So the girl, what's his name? Dumb, dumb is rambling on, is like, you know, it's called a bowler hat because Peggy, why is it called a bowler hat? And this is according to, uh, the website of Lock and co haters, um, St. James Street, London, which is a very famous habit. Asher, or is that habit? No, I don't Speaker 0 01:27:13 Habash, right? Asher, right. Speaker 2 01:27:15 Yeah. Name of a ha of a hater. Yeah. So the bowler was created by Lock and CO's Chief Hatmaker Thomas bowler, hence why it's known as a bowler hat. Ah, I see. So that's why it's not nothing to do with bowling, but yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that's what I got for Spy Fact. For spy fiction. Speaker 0 01:27:31 All right. Now it's time for our favorite quotes. I can go first. Go ahead. So I did, yeah, there was some pretty good, funny, I'll do some funny ones. There was a part where I think Carter says, tell it to the Marines, which is like pure 1940s talk. I already mentioned the one about serving with boys. I like the part where they pause and then either dumb Dom Dugin or Carter says, I miss him too. And it's like a quiet little moment. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then what the therapist says, he's not bad, he's burdened about, Is Speaker 2 01:28:01 That your Russian accent? Speaker 0 01:28:02 Yeah. It's not very good. And then finally Dugin says Woohoo and Car says, Stop hooing and help Speaker 2 01:28:10 <laugh> Wahoo being the official battle cry of the Howling Commandos. Is Speaker 0 01:28:15 That true? Speaker 2 01:28:15 It is true. Nice. Uh, you know, the, uh, what, let's see, cuz there what Army has its actual, I don't remember what all of it, like various service branches, but they all Speaker 0 01:28:25 Have Rise and Rahz and yada yada, yada. Speaker 2 01:28:27 So Exactly. So yeah, the Holy Commandos version is Wahoo. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:28:32 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:28:32 All right. So I got one quote and it's from the, uh, the Arlington Hall cryptographer who says, Look, it's difficult as, as it might be for you people to understand, I can't just beat a code into submission or shoot it with a gun, Speaker 0 01:28:44 Talking to them on their level. I appreciate that. Yeah. Apparently all you need to do is call Agent Carter. Get Carter. See it comes back. Speaker 2 01:28:52 <laugh>. There you go. Well, she did say that she was a Blu lady, so she would know a little bit about that. Speaker 0 01:28:57 All right, so now it is our ratings one to 10. I explained that already. Uh, do you want me to go first again? Sure. Yeah. So this one was pretty good, you know, no McDonna great. John Glover, he's right. <laugh>, all the conversations about Stark really got old also, but the girl was scary. They should have had her stop them from escaping rather than all of those goons with guns. Yeah. Be Speaker 2 01:29:21 Back in, in New York, Speaker 0 01:29:22 <laugh>. Yeah, that being said, it was fine. It was okay. I I will give it a seven out of 10. Speaker 2 01:29:28 Ok. Speaker 0 01:29:29 Yeah. Not a whole lot to dislike either, besides what I already Speaker 2 01:29:32 Said. So I, I think I like, I mean, I like this episode. I think I like the first episode more. I do enjoy sort of like the prototype Black Widow stuff and also the appearance of the Halloween commandos. And it is, but it's more of like a war story necessarily than necessarily like a sp story. Like I think there's more spy action That's right in the first episode. So I'm gonna give this, I'm just explaining a little bit less. It's, so I'm gonna give it a seven and a half out of 10 for this one. Speaker 0 01:29:58 Okay. Another reason why I like this one was it had more contained amounts of Jarvis Speaker 2 01:30:02 <laugh>. Like, I like Jarvis. Speaker 0 01:30:04 Yeah, I like him too. But it's very, very British. Like c through Bick gets kind of old Speaker 2 01:30:09 <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:30:10 He's better in, uh, limited quantities. Speaker 2 01:30:13 All right, Fair enough. Alrighty. Well, and again, if you wanna watch any episodes of this, I believe all episodes of Agent Carter are on Disney Plus, as well as the, uh, Marvel one shot Agent Carter. And thank you everyone for listening. You can find us on social media at the Spotify, guys on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Until next time, I'm Christian. And Speaker 0 01:30:32 I'm Zach. Speaker 2 01:30:33 And we are the guys signing off. Speaker 4 01:31:07 Thank you for listening to the Spotify guys. If you enjoyed our podcast, please be sure to give us a five star rating on iTunes. The theme song from this podcast is Mistake The Getaway by Kevin McLeod from incompetent.com, licensed under creative comments by attribution 3.0. Films, books and television shows reviewed by our podcast are the intellectual property of their respective copyright holders. And Noah Fri is intended.

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